


강지형 Kang, Ji Heong

동적 소재 디자인 연구실
LAB Website
OFFICE 503-321 / 02-880-6649
LAB 503-304,331 / 02-880-6659


We utilize the tools of synthetic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, and nanotechnology to design dynamic materials, addressing fundamental scientific challenges and presenting unique opportunities to overcome obstacles in contemporary materials science. I am particularly focused on developing molecular design strategies to manipulate dynamic properties across different length scales, from the molecular to the macroscale, in polymer and composite materials. Ultimately, through the development of 'Molecularly Intelligent' dynamic materials based on a deep fundamental understanding, one of our long-term goals is to create soft material systems that mimic biological systems, exhibiting unprecedented dynamic properties such as self-healing, stimuli-responsiveness, and autonomous 3D assembly.


  • Ph.D., in Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2014-2017
  • M.S., in Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2012-2014
  • B.S. in Chemistry, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, 2008-2012

주요 경력

  • Associate Professor, Department of Material Science and Engineering, KAIST 2023-2024
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Material Science and Engineering, KAIST 2020-2023
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Stanford University 2017-2019

주요 논문

  1. “Toughening self-healing elastomer crosslinked by metal–ligand coordination through mixed counter anion dynamics”; Nature Communications. 2023, 14, Article Number: 5026
  2. “Highly conductive tissue-like hydrogel interface through template-directed assembly”; Nature Communications. 2023, 14, Article Number: 2206.
  3. “Universal assembly of liquid metal particles in polymers enables elastic printed circuit board”; Science. 2022, 378, 637-641. (Highlighted in Science Perspective, Cover selected)
  4. “Tough-interface-enabled stretchable electronics using non-stretchable polymer semiconductors and conductors”; Nature Nanotechnology.2022, 17, 1265-1271.
  5. “Multivalent assembly of flexible polymer chains into supramolecular nanofibers”; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 16814-16824.
  6. “A rational strategy for the realization of chain-growth supramolecular polymerization”; Science. 2015, 347, 646-651. (Highlighted in Nature chemistry News and view and Science Perspective)

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