

Building upon NMR Spectroscopy to Tackle Unconventional Problems

2016-08-31l 조회수 537
소속 :
연사 : Prof. Jung Ho Lee(SNU)
일시 : 2016-09-01 16:30 ~
장소 : 500동, 목암홀
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a unique technique to study structure and dynamics of macromolecules at atomic resolution. Despite NMR"s 70 years of history, new exciting applications are still driven by novel NMR method developments. For this reason, demanding systems that are difficult to study by other means can often be analyzed by new NMR methods, one of the systems being intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), whose aggregation in human brains is the leading cause of neurological disorders. Furthermore, it is widely believed that great opportunities in NMR would be opened by enhancing its sensitivity. I will first introduce my previous research on laser-assisted enhancement of NMR sensitivity and accurate description of backbone torsion angles of IDPs. This will be followed my future plans on studying the mechanism of protein aggregation and biomolecular recognition processes by NMR and other physical chemistry techniques. In addition, new directions on how to further enhance NMR sensitivity will be presented.