

Assembly, interaction, and force generation in biofilaments and motor proteins

2012-01-12l 조회수 340
소속 :
연사 : 황원묵 교수 (Texas A&M University)
일시 : 2011-08-10 17:00 ~
장소 : 500동 L-307호
일 시 : 2011년 8월 10일, 5:00 PM
장 소 : 500동 L-307호

  At the core of all physiological functions and chemical activities of biomolecules and their assemblies are biophysical processes mediated by a cohort of intra- and inter-molecular forces. The complexity of these processes have limited their description mostly at the empirical level.
However, the increasing availability of high-resolution experimental data and computational power make it possible to tackle these problems in atomistic details, from which the underlying physical mechanisms can be elucidated. This talk covers recent developments we have made in this regard, mainly on biofilaments (alpha-helix, amyloid, and collagen) and motor proteins (kinesin). They are major mechanical elements of the cell and elucidating their operational principles is important for a broad range of problems in biology, medicine, and bioengineering.