The PreSMo (Pre-Structured Motif) target-binding signatures in IDPs
Date : October 11, 2018 16:30 ~
Speaker : Kyou Hoon Han(KRIBB)
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg 500
Since the discovery of intrinsically unstructured/unfolded/disordered proteins (IUPs/IDPs) an
answer to the question “how these proteins without spatial active pockets bind to their targets?”
has been intensively sought. One school of thought pursued an idea that disorder itself should
be the main contributing factor to the target-binding process while another has been identifying
transient local secondary structural elements recently named PreSMos (Pre-Structured Motifs)
as an important factor for target binding. PreSMos have been observed in ~70% of all IDPs
whose structural features have been characterized in detail. To date, the PreSMo concept
provides the most convincing structural rationale explaining the IDP-target binding behavior
at an atomic resolution. I will present a brief developmental history and common characteristics
of PreSMos as well as an updated list of PreSMos with their functional relevance.