Chemistry plays a central role
in natural science
Central, useful, and creative science
Chemistry is the molecular science that attempts to understand the properties and changes of substances from the molecular perspective. Chemistry is considered to be a central, useful, and creative science. In the Department of Chemistry, pioneering research is performed by the cooperative efforts of molecular scientists, who are involved in basic studies with the aim of understanding the fundamental properties of molecular world, and molecular engineers, who pursue creative applications of knowledge in the behavior of molecular systems. These research activities require a close connection with physics and biological sciences. Applied methods and techniques obtained from studies in chemistry and molecular engineering can have a far-reaching influence on diverse fields such as material science, environmental science, medical and pharmaceutical sciences, agricultural science, and information technology.
Long and distinguished tradition
Established in 1946, SNU Chemistry has a long and distinguished tradition. Many of its graduates are professors at notable universities and colleges, researchers at prominent government and industrial laboratories, and leaders in business and commerce in Korea and worldwide. The Research Institute of Molecular Science was established in the Department in 1990 and the Center for Space Time Molecular Dynamics in 2007. At present, the Department of Chemistry consists of 35 faculty members actively engaged in research and education, 187 undergraduate and 313 graduate students, over 34 postdoctoral researchers, and 13 staff members.
Provide basic chemistry through lectures and experiments
The aim of the undergraduate program is to provide each student broad instruction in basic chemistry through lectures and experiments. The degrees offered by the Department in the graduate program are the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy in the fields of analytical, biochemical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Original research, performed under the direction of a thesis advisor, is a key element in these degrees. The thesis research helps the student develop research skills, critical judgment, originality, and independence. It is through participation in original research that the graduate student makes a transition from the role of a student to that of a professional colleague.