

History of the Department
1946. Establishment of the Department of Chemistry as a part of the College of Arts and Science, SNU
1947. First graduation of students
1950. Temporary cease of operations due to the Korean war
1951. Resume the operation at Busan as Wat-time inter-universities
1953. Return to Seoul. The department was settled in Engineering College of Seoul (School of Engineering, SNU)
1967. The department moved in the Science Complex in Dongsung Campus, SNU.
1968. The plan to build the Gwanak campus was initiated
1975. The department was relocated to Gwanak campus
1976. Department was funded by the AID (Act for International Development) loan to SNU.
1978. Department was funded by the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) loan to SNU.
1980. Military service privilege was granted to the graduate school.
1995. The center for molecular catalysis (NSF funded) was established at the department
1996. The chemistry joined to form an undergraduate college of natural science.
1999. The BK21 program (funded by the Ministry of Education) was awarded to the department.
2000. The school of chemistry was established.
2007. The center for molecular dynamics was established.
2007. The school of chemistry moved in the Science Complex (Building 500) in Gwanak Campus.