

New stochastic kinetics for a quantitative description of stochastic biological functions of living cells

August 30, 2013l Hit 361
Date : October 31, 2013 16:30 ~
Speaker : Prof. Jeayoung Sung(Chung-ang University)
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500
Date : 2013. 10. 31, 4:30 PM Place : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500 -Abstract- A major goal of modern biology is to attain a quantitative understanding of stochastic biological functions of living cells. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have an accurate and efficient description of the intracellular chemical noise that causes phenotypic variations in the biological functions of the cells. However, a quantitative understanding of chemical noise and its influence on phenotypic variations has been recognised as overwhelmingly difficult. Here, we introduce a new stochastic kinetics enabling a complete description of the chemical noise in vibrant intracellular reaction networks in which the rate coefficients vary from cell to cell and fluctuate over time due. An application of the new stochastic kinetics to the central dogma of gene expression yields an excellent quantitative explanation of the mean protein number dependence of protein noise for comprehensive sets of genes in E. coli and in S. cerevisiae. Our new stochastic kinetics also provides a successful quantitative explanation of the promoter-strength dependence of the environment-induced correlation between the expression levels of two independent genes in E. coli carrying dual reporter genes, which has not been achieved by any of the previously reported theories. Our analyses demonstrate environment-coupled dynamic fluctuation in the rate coefficient and molecular population-dependent rate factor is the essential new concept that should be addressed to achieve the quantitative explanation of the stochastic outcome of intracellular reaction networks.