

Externally Biased Chemistry: New Approaches For Enhanced Control

March 4, 2013l Hit 379
Date : March 14, 2013 16:30 ~
Speaker : Prof. C. Bielawski ( Prof. C. Bielawski )
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500
Date : 2013. 3. 14, 4:30 PM Place : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500 - Abstract- This seminar will describe our group"s recent efforts on using a range of stimuli, including mechanical force, light, and redox processes, to finely control various chemical reactions or to access transformations that are altogether new. The design and development of specially designed catalysts that contain photo and/or redox responsive N-heterocyclic carbene ligands as well as novel polymeric materials are tightly coupled with the aforementioned methods, and will be presented. Likewise, extensive spectroscopic analyses and control experiments to probe underlying mechanisms will be discussed. The presentation will conclude with some perspectives on using various stimuli to control other types of small molecule and macromolecular chemistry.