

Development of Chemical and Biochemical Tools to Study Biological Systems

September 7, 2012l Hit 281
Date : September 6, 2012 17:00 ~
Speaker : Sang Jeon Chung(KRIBB)
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500
Date : 2012. 9. 6, 5:00 PM Place : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500 -Abstract- As chemistry is a molecular level science, chemical tools have offered great chances to study biological system at molecular level. We have endeavored to develop novel chemical tools for biological study, which include fluorescence detection method, site-specific antibody immobilization, and conjugation methods, and human protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) library. In this seminar, our research outcomes, which deal with five subtopics, will be briefly introduced; 1. Intrinsic FRET 2. Orientation-controlled antibody immobilization 3. Affinity column for antibody purifications 4. Target specific delivery system - Antibody transducer - Antibody-loadable protein nanoparticle 5. Development of fluorescence probes specific to certain human PTP(s)