Evolutionary Inorganic Nanoparticles
Date : May 17, 2012 17:00 ~
Speaker : Prof. Jinwoo Cheon (Yonsei University, Department of Chemistry)
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500
Date : 2012. 5 . 17, 5:00 PM
Place : Mogam Hall, Bldg.500
In this talk, dynamic and transformative characteristics of meta-stable evolutionary inorganic nanoparticles will be introduced. Then, nanoscale effects of size, dopant, exchange coupling, and magnetocrystallity on the functionalities such as magnetic moments and anisotropy of nanoparticles are to be presented. Magnetic nanoparticles are among one of the most essential platforms for targeted imaging, therapy, and simultaneous monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. I will also discuss magnetic nanoparticles as a core platform material for theranostics and endow a variety of functionalities such as drug, targeting moiety, and gene to enhance their performance. Their unique utilization in highly accurate dual-modal MR imaging, therapeutic hyperthermia of cancer cells, controlled drug release, gene delivery, and molecular level cell signaling and cell fate control will be discussed.