Foldamers: expanding the chemical space
Date : April 27, 2011 18:00 ~
Speaker : Dr.Ivan Huc(D.R. CNRS)
Location : Rm.311, Bldg.500
Date : 2011, 4, 27, 6:00 PM
장 소 : Rm.311, Bldg.500
Our group has developed helical foldamers - oligomers that adopt stable helical folded conformations - derived from aromatic amino acids. Some of these folded objects have shown unprecedented conformational stability, and constitute convenient building blocks to elaborate synthetic, very large (protein-sized) folded architectures. They possess a high propensity to assemble into double, triple and quadruple helices. Cavities can be designed within such synthetic molecules that enable them to act as artificial receptors including for chiral guests. Water soluble analogues of these foldamers show promise in nucleic acid recognition.