

Resolvins: Synthesis, bioactions and metabolic inactivation of novel anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators

October 9, 2009l Hit 194
Date : October 13, 2009 17:30 ~
Speaker : Ph.D Sungwhan F. Oh (Harvard Medical School)
Location : Rm. 305, Bldg 500
Date: 2009. 10. 13, 5:30 PM Place: Rm. 305, Bldg 500 -Abstract- Lipid mediators derived from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have been recognized with their potent anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution actions. These molecules are generated in situ, rapidly interact with the inflammatory milieu and are removed from the site when the inflammation is resolved, so that body can maintain systemic and local homeostasis. This life cycles of resolvins elucidated by multi-pronged biochemical and chemical approaches will be presented, focusing topics below. 1) Biosynthesis of eicosapentaenoate-derived E series resolvins 2) Specific bioactions of E series resolvins 3) Metabolic inactivation and its protection: therapeutic application