

Nanopatterning by Unconventional Lithographies

March 2, 2009l Hit 501
Date : March 26, 2009 17:00 ~
Speaker : Prof. Hong H Lee (Seoul National Univ, Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Location : Mogam Hall, Bldg 500

Date: 2009. 3. 26, 5:00 PM Place: Mogam Hall, Bldg 500 - Abstract - The future of nanotechnology depends on the successful development of versatile, cost-effective techniques for micro- and nanofabrication. In this regard, unconventional lithographies based on a patterned mold, unconventional in the sense that they are not photolithography, have drawn much interest since the mid-nineties because of the possibility of patterning device features down to sub-10 nm range cheaply and simply over large area. Better known among these are imprint (hard) lithography and soft lithography. Because of the nature of the mold material, the hard (imprint) lithography cannot be readily applied over large area whereas the soft lithography is limited in its resolution, only down to several hundred nanometers. Rigiflex lithography based on a rigiflex mold, a mold rigid enough for sub-10 nm resolution and yet flexible enough for large area application in its film form, overcomes the shortcomings of the hard and soft lithographies. Presented here is an overview of the rigiflex lithography. Of the various techniques belonging to this rigiflex lithography, the evolution of capillary force lithography and the implication of pattern transfer technique, or rigiflex printing, are presented in detail. Also presented is rigiflex-imprinting technique.