

Electronic & Vibrational Spectra of Catecholamine Neurotransmitters and Related Molecules in a Supersonic Jet

2012-01-12l 조회수 225
소속 :
연사 : Prof. Masaaki Fujii (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
일시 : 2009-06-16 16:00 ~
장소 : 503동 404호
일시: 2009년 6월 16일 오후 4:00
장소: 503동 404호

Catecholamines are typical neurotransimitters that are used in neural signal transmission process.
These molecules are selectively recognized by a specific receptor as "key and lock" relation.
It is a one of typical biological molecular recognition processes however detail of recognition
mechanism has not been revealed in molecular level. Thus molecular structures and
dynamics without solvent perturbations are indispensable informations to understand the
mechanism. We have been studying UV and IR spectra of catecholamine related molecules
such as tyramine [1], dopa and synephrine in a supersonic jet. The catecholamines are
evapolated graphite matrix laser desorption source [2]. In S1-S0 electronic spectrum of DOPA
molecule, sharp vibronic bands in the S1 excited state are observed clearly for the first time.
UV-UV Hole burning spectroscopy [1, 3] are also was measured and found that dopa has
onlyt a single stable conformation in a jet condition in spite of the flexible chain. The IR
spectrum measure by the IR dip spectroscopy [4] shows well-resolved vibrational transitions
in the ground state. From the comparison to theoretical vibrational spectra, the detail of the
molecular geometry are analysied. The relation between the chromopher and the conformer
will be discussed.

[1] K. Makara et al., J.Phys.Chem.A112,13463s(2008).
[2] L. Li and D. M. Lubman, Rev.Sci.Inst.,59,557(1988);G.Meijeretal.,App.Phys.B-51,395(1990);I.Hunig,Chem.Phys.Lett.,369,173(2003);F.Piuzzietal.,Chem.Phys.Lett.,320,282(2000);H.Saigusaetal.,Chem.Phys.Lett.,418,119(2006)
[3] T. Ebata, Chapter 6, nonlinearSpectroscopyforMolecularStructureDetermination,Eds.R.W.Field,etal..;BlackwellScience,Cambridge,1998.;S.Ishiuchi,etal.J.Phys.Chem.A111,7569(2007).
[4]S.Tanabeetal.,ChemPhys.Lett.,215,347(1993);Y.Koizumietal.,J.Chem.Phys.,129, 104311 (2008)